Parent Information



For safety reasons the school must be contacted if your child is going to be absent.
If your child is absent from school please use the Hero App to advise the absence or telephone the school office on 575 3960 as soon as you know that your child is going to be absent and leave a message on the school answer phone.
The school will check all absentees and will make every effort to contact parents where children are unaccounted for.

If your child has an appointment or is leaving the school during the day please let the office or your child’s teacher know. When picking up your child for their appointment please go to the office prior to getting your child from their classroom and sign them out on the tablet.

If your child is late for school on any day she/he must go to the school office prior to going to class and sign in on the tablet.


Mounties Club starting in February 2024.  

Click here for more information and enrolment details.




Each year students in Year 4, 5 and 6 are invited to enter the Australasian tests in Science, English, Maths, Spelling and Writing.
Year 3 students with a strength in Science and Maths may choose to sit the Year 4 tests.
Information about enrolling for these tests and the cost will be included in the school newsletter during Term One and students must return their entries to school before the specified date as they are sent to Australia and no late entries are accepted.
MMPS provides lunchtime sessions for students who have entered to go over past tests. Students will find out about these in the newsletter and daily notices.


From time to time to time a teacher may feel that a trip away from school will help the class learn more, from first hand experiences, about a particular topic they have been studying. Parents will always be informed of this prior to the day and may sometimes be asked to assist with supervision on these trips. If you have concerns about a specific event please discuss these with the Principal or class teacher concerned.

Mr Harris (Principal) encourages kids learning

We are required by regulation to obtain your permission whenever we take children on a class educational visit. Therefore please sign and return the relevant slip when sent home. Without your permission your children may have to remain at school.
All children are expected to participate in educational visits as any such event involves preparation and follow up as part of the normal class programme.


Several times a year parent/teacher sessions are organised, either to inform parents of class/syndicate procedures and policies or to discuss progress. You will be advised when these are to be held and invited to make an appointment for a brief interview with your child’s teacher.
Some of our classes are composite classes, i.e. containing children from two different year classifications. As is the case with all classes (composite or not), there are children of mixed abilities within the group. Confusion sometimes arises when it is thought that by having Year 6 children in the same class as Year 5’s it means that the Year 6’s repeat aspects of Year 5’s work.
It is important that you understand that there is no such thing as “Year 6 work” per se; each child works in each curriculum area at an ‘instructional level’ at which he/she can cope. This means for example, a nine year old child with special ability in Maths can be catered for and extended by working in a group with others of similar ability but differing ages. Please feel free to seek any further clarification on instructional levels from class teachers if you require it.

Bell Times

8:55am – School Begins (this block includes a brain break around 10am)
11:00 – 11:25 – Interval
1:00 – 1:45pm – Lunchtime
3.00pm – School Finishes (We do not close early for inclement weather)


Stationery requirements will be outlined by your child’s teacher and can be purchased at the beginning of the year online here. Stationery is supplied in “packs” appropriate to each year level.
Children may purchase extra stationery as they require it throughout the year from the school office. 

Teacher Release

During the year some days teachers will be away from their classrooms for planning and preparation, testing students’ current levels of progress or attending professional development courses. During these times, relieving teachers will instruct classes. We are not unique in this.
As part of the National Collective Agreement, all teachers are entitled to 10 hours a term classroom release. Teachers who are in their first or second year teaching have a weekly release component as well.

There are no classrooms in New Zealand where students have the same teacher every day of the week during the year.


The PTA is a group of parents and staff who get together each month to support the school community and improve the experiences of all families at Mount Primary. We raise funds through school events and promotions to support the financial goals set by the BOT, and we aim to foster a sense of community through the provision of social events for parents, staff and students.

The PTA contributed to the playground
The PTA meets once a month, and we welcome new members. Meeting times are advertised in the school newsletter and are also on the calendar on our website so please feel free to come along and see what we do. We also maintain a database of helpers who are able to volunteer their time as required during some of the events we run. The database is usually contacted by email.

The PTA contributed to the playground

If you are interested in helping out with events or are able to contribute to our committee in some way, forms are available from the school office to register your interest or please email us on
If you would like to be a part of or contribute to the PTA please post your details in the PTA drop box located next to the sick bay in the Office foyer.

The PTA is an inspirational team of parents and teachers focused on providing additional community events and fundraising for the school. We are a motivated group with broad professional backgrounds ensuring our fundraising is fun, targeted and effective.

The PTA’s fundraising objectives are driven by strategic priorities identified by school management and teachers, alongside the Board of Trustees.

Mt Maunganui Primary School Family Events

The PTA is where parents and teachers team up to host fun events for our community. Some of these have a fundraising outcome, but fun is the main aim. We also try to have a mix of family events and events where you leave the kids at home.

The funds raised are always used to benefit our children. We support every teacher to purchase supplies for their classrooms and have raised enough funds to purchase additional learning-enhancing equipment for the junior school playground. The school’s leaders and teachers decide which strategic projects the PTA is fundraising for. Typically the PTA will organise:

Family Fun/Child Fun Events: Fundraising Events:
  • Welcome to School Picnic
  • School Disco (Term 2 and Halloween) – Big Event (July) – child-free
  • Father’s Day Fishing Competition
  • Christmas in the ‘Park’
Other PTA activities:
  • Teaching supplies support (every class)
  • Contribution to the end of year class trips
  • Join a project team to help organise an event
  • Support our Big Event or Golf Day by donating an auction prize or becoming a sponsor.

For Project or On-The-Day Helpers: – You’ll enjoy working with other parents, make some great friends and get that sense of reward from seeing everyone have a great time. Our PTA is only a small group of around 10 parents so on-the-day help is always very welcome

We want our community to recognise your goodwill and financial contribution, so we will provide:

  • Airtime in the school newsletter
  • Signage and advertising materials at events
  • Regular plugs for sponsoring businesses during events
  • A link/logo to your business on our website
  • If you have any queries or suggestions please contact and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.

    Thanks for your support!


    The Board of Trustees (BOT) are a group of elected parents who govern our school. It is their responsibility, along with the principal, to provide clear direction for the school’s future. The BOT help ensure quality learning takes place within our great school.

    The Mount Maunganui Primary School Board of Trustees are proud to be working to help shape the future of the children in our community through their governance of the school. The Board strives to provide modern and safe learning environments and tools to support the school’s teaching teams and to inspire and motivate our students to aim higher by learning to raise their aspirations.

    The Board operates under a chairperson and consists of parent representatives elected by the school community, the Principal and a staff elected representative.

    The current Board of Trustees

    The Board of Trustees elected in the 2022 elections are:

    • Warren Dohnt
    • Cherie Hill
    • Hamish Coleman
    • Katie Martin
    • Matt Smith
    • Liz Vialoux (Staff Representative)
    • Damien Harris (Principal)
    • Kath Williamson (Board Secretary)

    The Trustees themselves – The school staff and parent representatives who make up the Board are a dedicated team of people who give freely of their time toward the joint goal of making Mount Primary a centre of excellence in learning and education.

    Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi
    Engari, he toa takitini
    (Success is not the work of one, but the work of many)

    Annual Implementation Plan

     2024 – Annual Implementation Plan


    SChool policies & procedures

    Access to all our policies and procedures are available on School Docs.  Please click on the link below and sign in using the following login:

    Username – mtprimary

    Password – mountie

    Financial Accounts


    If there is a tsunami we will take the students to New World via the routes indicated in the Emergency Procedures.
    In the event of an emergency the school staff take responsibility for your child. Rest assured that the safety of all our students is paramount. In the event of a major emergency you may receive updates on our official school facebook Official Facebook and twitter link.

    Important Links

    Contact Us

    07 575 3960

    Mount Maunganui Primary School
    13 Orkney Road
    Mount Maunganui

    Term Dates



    • T1:   5th February - 12th April
    • T2:  29th April - 5th July
    • T3:  22nd July - 27th September
    • T4:  14th October - 19th December


    • T1:   3rd February (LPMs)  - 11th April
    • T2:  28th April - 27th June
    • T3:  14th July - 19th September
    • T4:  6th October - 19th December



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