MOUNT Maunganui Primary School
school Zone
The enrolment zone boundary starts at the intersection of Adams Ave, Pilot Quay and the Mall, and travels south along the harbour shoreline, including any moorings, to a point parallel with 132, 124 and 114 Hull Road. At this point the boundary travels east, and to the north of 132, 124 and 144 Hull Road (these addresses are excluded from the zone), and crosses the railway line. The boundary travels to the roundabout of Hull Road and Totara Street.
From this roundabout the boundary travels eastward around the rear of addresses on the southern side of Hull Road and continues east to where the railway line crosses Hull Road.
The zone boundary then follows the railway line southward, before heading north-west along the centre of Dee Street, capturing odd-numbered addresses only.
The zone boundary travels to the intersection of Dee Street and Valley Road, then proceeds south, behind (and excluding) the odd-numbered addresses on Valley Road, to the rear of 165B Valley Road.
From the rear of 165B Valley Road, the boundary travels behind odd-numbered addresses on Moa Street, to the intersection of Moa Street and Ocean Beach Road. All addresses on Moa Street are excluded from the zone.
The boundary travels across Ocean Beach Road, to capture number 3 Ocean Beach Road, and on to the shoreline.
The boundary travels north-west along the shoreline to the intersection of Marine Parade and Adams Avenue.
The boundary travels south-west along Adams Avenue, capturing addresses on both sides of this road, to the intersection of Adams Ave, Pilot Quay and The Mall.
Pre-school visiting info
You will be invited to visit between 10:15am and 11:30am on a set Friday. Dates will be sent to you before your child is due to start. Here your child will meet the teacher and other children and join in with some learning. We would love you to bring some morning tea so your child can experience the playground situation when visiting and to meet other parents. We will share school information also. There will also be an opportunity to stay after morning tea and join with our Junior Mounties Explorers which begins at 11:30 and runs for about 45 minutes (you don’t have to stay for the whole time, feel free to leave when you want).
Thanks for your interest in joining Mount Primary and enrolling via the Enrolment tab. We look forward to meeting you!
Damian Barton (Deputy Principal) damianb@mtprimary.school.nz
Shanie Rei (Enrolments Admin) office@mtprimary.school.nz
Janine Valder (Junior Team Leader) jvalder@mtprimary.school.nz
Voluntary Activities
School class trips, Music lessons, Sports Team participation.
All Parents are notified of these well in advance. They come to around $100 per year.
Camps: Around $150.00 per student.
..istration NZ – International Students
Mt Maunganui Primary School has agreed to observe and be bound by the code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students published by the Minister of Education. Copies of the Code are available on request from this institution or from the New Zealand Ministry of Education at http://www.nzqa.govt.nz
Prime Condition of Enrolment
Mt Maunganui Primary School requires that all International Students live with their parents or legal guardians (proof of legal guardianship must be supplied).
Health and Travel Insurance
Most students are not entitled to publicly funded health services while in New Zealand unless they are:
- A resident or citizen of Australia; or
- A national of the United Kingdom in New Zealand
Individualised learning experiences for International Students
The holder of a temporary permit that is valid for two years or more.
If you do not belong to one of these special categories and you receive medical treatment during your visit, you will be liable for the full costs of that treatment. Health and Medical Insurance is compulsory for all students for the duration of study in New Zealand. We also strongly recommend that you obtain insurance to cover your travel to and from New Zealand.
Full details of visa and permit requirements, advice on rights to employment in New Zealand while studying, and reporting requirements are available through the New Zealand Immigration service.
Compulsory Costs of Tuition and Other Course Related Costs
Tuition Fees (annual payable in advance):
NZ $13,000 (1 Year)
NZ $7,000 (2 Terms)
NZ $4,000 (1 Term)
NZ $100 a day for tuition periods of less than 6 weeks.
NZ $450 a week for tuition periods of 6 weeks or more but less than 1 term.
NZ $300 Registration Fee (one off payment – Non Refundable).
NZ $200 Administration Fee (charged yearly for document renewal – Non Refundable).
NZ $50 fee per document for retrieval and re-printing of previous issued documents such as academic reports.
All fees are charged and paid for in NZD (New Zealand Dollars) and GST inclusive.
Tuition fees cover: Classroom tuition, Stationery, School Hat, House T-Shirt, Textbooks on loan, English as a Second Language tuition if required.
Key Features of our International Student Programme
At various times over the last few years, individual students from many countries including India, Japan, South Korea and Brazil have attended this school. They have participated in all school activities offered to them to the benefit of their families, themselves and the other students who get the benefit of other perspectives.
As in the past, if we have space in classrooms, we will enrol international students on the understanding that our main aim is to provide them with a typical New Zealand Primary School experience.

Opportunities to converse in english
Having said that, we will continue to follow practices that are sensitive to the needs and values of all cultures in the school. If a student requires help with English as a Second Language, this will be provided for with extra English language tuition each morning.
For most of the school day each student will be attached to a regular classroom where they will receive schooling in the New Zealand curriculum for the remainder of the day.
If you would like to enrol your student at Mount Maunganui Primary School please fill out the enrolment form and return to the school.
Contact Us
07 575 3960
Mount Maunganui Primary School
13 Orkney Road
Mount Maunganui
Term Dates
- T1: 5th February - 12th April
- T2: 29th April - 5th July
- T3: 22nd July - 27th September
- T4: 14th October - 19th December
- T1: 3rd February (LPMs) - 11th April
- T2: 28th April - 27th June
- T3: 14th July - 19th September
- T4: 6th October - 19th December
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