And welcome to

Mount Maunganui Primary sCHOOL





Established since

We at Mount Primary believe firmly in shaping a ‘whole child’. 

This means not just our students as learners, but also as little people. At our school we have developed seven characteristics we seek to develop in all learners at our school (Mounties).

These characteristics are known as our Mountieisms. Our Mountieisms provide a goal for each of us at our school as we work to shape and be Mounties each and every day.

Mounties ARE:



Being creative means solving a problem in a new way, breaking with routine and taking risks.  It is the ability to change your perspective and seeing the world in different ways.  Auaha is the search for inspiration, being open to answers that have never been considered and ideas that have never been explored.  There are many routes to a destination. 

To create is to move towards change.




Aumangea is the ability to stick with things until they are finished, even in the face of difficulty, and that Mounties are able to bounce back from failure or disappointment.  Grit is an action that leads to learning, improving and thriving.

Mounties have the willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve important goals.




When Mounties are aware they know where they are on their learning journey,  can acknowledge where they have come from and what they now need to do in order to achieve their goals.

Mounties are accountable and responsible for their actions and learning behaviours, and can reflect on how these impact their lives, others and the world around them.

  mahi tahi


Being a collaborator is about moving beyond what you can think and do by yourself.  Mounties listen to other ideas, and really hear them as they all work towards a common goal.  Teams of learners show mutual respect, help, commitment to joining in, and speak up as they explore ideas.  Successful collaboration is co-ordinated, with each member taking a share of the responsibility.

Mounties explore, learn, create and share together. 

critical thinkers

Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly, sensibly and reasonably, understanding the logical connection between ideas.  It is the ability to judge information to determine whether it is right or wrong.  To think critically means to be open-minded and consider alternative ways of looking at solutions or ideas that are presented.

Critical thinking happens when Mounties draw on their existing knowledge and experience, as well as on their problem-solving skills.


Being connected relies on the understanding of relationships.  It is knowing who we are as a person, and where and how we belong in this world.  Connections are made between understanding similarities, differences, and knowing how things work and relate to each other.

Mounties make connections to people, places, things and experiences through remembering and acknowledging the past, being present, and thinking about the future.


Being curious is about being excited in wanting to know more. It is the drive to seek out new knowledge and understanding.  Curiosity is the desire to learn.  It is an eagerness to explore, discover and figure things out.

Through inquiry processes, Mounties understand their world around them. 

I’m sure you’ll agree, Mounties are awesome!!

We hope you’ll enjoy learning more about our school and seeing our Mounties learning together in fun and hands on ways.
Please feel free to get in touch with us and make a time to come and have a look around and see first hand what makes our school a great place.
Ngā mihi
Damien (The Principal)

Enrolment Info 

For more info on enrolling your child at Mount Maunganui, click here to see the enrollment info.

About Us

We know picking a school can be difficult, there is a lot to consider, learn more about Mt Maunganui Primary here.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding anything, know that we are here to help. Just click “get in touch” below!

Ready to become a Mountie?

Let’s just make sure we give kids good experiences and that they learn how to read and write and think

— John Dewey 1859-1952 | American Educator